Our Chef recommends...

  • Cold Soup - 36 zł
  • Cauliflower with fried egg, new potatoes and sour milk - 48 zł
  • Dumplings with berries - 60 zł
  • Bun with berries - 31 zł


  • Chanterelles in butter and wine sauce with onion and dill served with burrata and baguette - 57 zł
  • Potato pancakes with chanterelles, sour cream, tomatoes and dill - 56 zł
  • Potato pancakes with salmon, caviar and sour cream - 54 zł


  • Homemade tomato soup - 32 zł
  • Broth with poured noodles and Parmesan cheese- 33 zł


  • Cracovians and Highlanders... romaine lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, radish, string beans, hard bioled egg, fresh and pickled cucumbers, served in a laaarge bowl with croutons and smoked sheep's cheese Oscypek - 49 pln
  • Genova for greens with sunflower seeds, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, romaine lettuce, arugula, cherry tomatoes, parmesan cheese and vinaigrette - 44 pln
  • Cesar salad with romaine lettuce,farm chicken or shripm, crispy bacon, cherry tomatoes, capers and croutons served with anchovy sauce - 51 pln

And then

  • Noodles laid with chanterelle, onion and dill - 58 zł
  • Devolay with new potatoes and salad with carrot and apple - 49 zł
  • Braised veal with potato dumplings and cucumber cream salad - 72 zł
  • Cripsy veal liver with apple served with roasted potatoes an lettuce - 64 zł

And sweet

  • the selection of cakes available at the counter




For each of the accounts above 100 pln, 10% service charge